Monday, September 20, 2010

Sedation Dentists Jackson Ms

Sedation and Sleep Dentistry

Benefits of Sedation and Sleep Dentistry

We offer one of the most comprehensive sedation dentistry programs in Mississippi in order to help our patients receive the care they need. In addition to helping patients overcome their dental anxiety and fear, sedation dentistry is also a wonderful option for patients who:

* Have difficulty becoming numb with conventional dental injections.
* Have sensitive teeth.
* Need multiple dental procedures, as in a smile makeover, and/or limited time.
* Have had traumatic dental experiences.
* Have overly sensitive gag reflexes.
* Have a fear of needles.
* Hate the tastes, smells, and noises associated with dental care.
* Are embarrassed about their teeth.
* Have physical, mental, or medical conditions that make it difficult to undergo dental treatment.
* Want a completely relaxing, comfortable, and hassle-free dental experience.

Because we work with a group of anesthesiologists, we are able to offer our patients any type of sedation needed for their procedures. We ensure our patients' comfort and safety throughout the dental care experience by monitoring vital signs and the level of sedation. Contact us in Jackson, Mississippi to learn how sedation dentistry can help you achieve the smile you have always wanted - without the anxiety!

Types of Sedation and Sleep Dentistry

We let you choose your level of sedation. Whether you need a little help relaxing or want to "sleep" during your procedures and wake up with a beautiful smile, we are ready to help you receive the dental care you need. At our practice near Jackson, Mississippi, the following sedation and sleep dentistry options are available.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is an inhaled gas - often referred to as "laughing gas" - that helps patients relax during their treatments. It puts most patients in a state of light sedation; however, some will be able to achieve a deeper state of sedation. We typically also use a local anesthetic to relieve pain.

General Anesthesia - Sleep Dentistry

General anesthesia is the highest level of sedation dentistry available. Also known as sleep dentistry, this form of sedation allows the patient to be completely unconscious during treatment and to wake up with no memory of the procedure. Because we work with anesthesiologists, we are able to offer our patients this full level of sedation, which is ideal when multiple procedures, as in a smile makeover, are required.

IV Sedation

During IV (intravenous) sedation, patients will receive medicine directly into the blood stream. Sedation begins almost immediately, and the patient will remain conscious but deeply relaxed during treatment. One of the main benefits of IV sedation over other types is that the level of sedation can be adjusted during the procedure. An anesthesiologist monitors each patient throughout each treatment session to ensure that he or she remains comfortable and receives the proper amount of sedation. When using this type of sedation dentistry, we will usually also administer a local anesthetic to relieve pain.

Oral Conscious Sedation

When under the influence of oral conscious sedation, the patient's level of sedation will mimic sleep, and he or she may even doze off. The patient will have the ability to answer questions and react to instructions but will remain completely relaxed and comfortable. Before the appointment, a small pill is taken, and an optimal state of sedation should be reached in 30-60 minutes.

Other Comfort Options

we put your comfort above all else. In addition to sedation and sleep dentistry, we offer relaxing amenities similar to those found in a dental spa. Lie down in our comfortable treatment chairs, snuggle up with a fluffy blanket, and enjoy gentle massage as you rest your head back in a contoured pillow. You can even listen to your favorite CD or watch your favorite movie while we perform your procedure. After your procedure you are offered a hot towel, a head-and-neck massage, and the choice of bottled water or a variety of special coffee blends.

We also offer hypnosis and guided relaxation techniques to help our patients relax during treatments.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dental Implant patients will travel

The average dental patient travels about 5-10 miles to see their dentist for treatment, we found in this survey of dentists. Rural patients travel longer distances for dental care than do urban residents, obviously due to the distance from metro areas.

However, some patients keep their dentist even after moving hundreds – sometimes thousands – of miles away. Read that again.

“I’m a specialist," said one periodontist, "so we have quite a few patients from the coast, which is 90 miles away."

Agreed a dental implant dentist, "Many of our patients travel up to 4 hours by car for their treatment." An orthodontist seconded this, saying, "I have had a few patients who have traveled 150 miles one way to come to my office."

"Including the guy who comes from Palm Beach?" asked a New York oral surgeon. "Not enough patients come from far away!" So , maybe advertising in higher income areas outside your immediate zone of influence pays off big.

Maybe it's New York… “I have both an active local clientele and an international clientele,” boasted a prosthodontist from that state.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dental crowns, Dentures, and dental Bridges Jackson mississippi

Dental Crowns call 601 212 5433 for more information free.

Crowns cover the entire tooth like a cap and are often used to add strength to a tooth that has been damaged due to decay or wear; they are also often used after (root canal) therapy. We offer several types of crowns at our practice:

* All-porcelain crowns, for a completely natural appearance.
* Porcelain on metal crowns, for more strength than all–porcelain.
* All-metal crowns – gold, silver, or titanium – for the strongest crown available.

During your appointment, we can help you decide which type of crown is best for you.


Full or partial dentures are available and new advancements have made them more comfortable and easier to wear than ever before. One type of denture that we offer has many small suction cups that gently grip the oral tissue, making a strong bond without causing irritation. Dental implants can also be used to add stability to partial or full dentures.

Dental Bridges

Like dental implants, bridges help fill the spaces left by missing teeth. Bridges include one or more artificial teeth that can be either permanent or removable. A permanent bridge is bonded to surrounding teeth that have been covered with dental crowns. A removable bridge, also called a partial denture, is attached to surrounding teeth using clips.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

TMJ treatments, migraines, facial pain jackson mississippi

TMJ Treatment

When the teeth don’t fit together properly due to a misaligned bite, the excess strain on the joint, also known as the TMJ, can cause a host of problems. If you suffer from migraines, facial pain, or even ringing in the ears, it may be due to a misaligned bite, and TMJ treatment may be able to help.

Diagnosing and Treating TMJ Disorders

At our practice near Jackson, Mississippi, TMJ treatment begins with the proper diagnosis. We utilize a computerized system to digitally analyze the bite for a precise diagnosis. We also look for visual signs of wear and cracks on the teeth to determine where the problems might be. Then we create a comprehensive treatment plan for correcting the bite problems and relieving TMJ-related problems.

Bite Therapy Alternatives

There are several bite therapy appliances that we use to treat TMJ problems, including night guards, the tension suppression system, and ll of these dental appliances help realign the jaws to ease the tension and pressure that is put on the joints when the bite is misaligned.

Through TMJ treatment, we can help eliminate headaches, pain, and bite problems for many patients. Contact us in Jackson , Mississippi to learn more about TMJ treatment and how it can help alleviate your pain and discomfort.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Dental Implants Jackson Mississippi

Dental Implants

Missing teeth can distract from an otherwise beautiful smile and cause other dental problems that can lead to the loss of even more teeth. One of the most popular options for replacing missing teeth at our practice in Jackson, Mississippi is the placement of dental implants. Compared to other options for the replacement of missing teeth, such as dental bridges, dental implants function and look more like natural teeth. Our doctors have had special training in implant dentistry, and we use several types of implants to fit our patients’ individual needs.
Placement of Dental Implants

At the beginning of the process, the doctor will examine your mouth to determine whether you are a good candidate for dental implants. During a subsequent surgical procedure, a titanium post is implanted into the jawbone to serve as an artificial tooth root. Once the jawbone has sufficiently fused to the post, a natural-looking artificial tooth will be bonded into place.

Additional Benefits of Dental Implants

In addition to filling in unsightly gaps, dental implants also help keep surrounding teeth from drifting out of place and causing bite and other dental problems. If you have a missing tooth or you need a tooth removed, consider the benefits of dental implants for tooth replacement. Contact us asap in Jackson, Mississippi to learn more about dental implants and schedule an appointment to determine whether they are the right option for you.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

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Teeth Whitening and Veneers

Teeth Whitening

At our practice in Jackson, Mississippi, we have found teeth whitening to be one of the quickest and easiest methods of brightening a smile that has become discolored. Teeth whitening, also known as bleaching, is a safe method for removing stains and discolorations that can develop from drinking dark liquids such as coffee and wine, as well as from the natural aging process.
Rembrandt® Teeth Whitening Products

We use Rembrandt® teeth whitening products . These products have been proven safe and effective and produce outstanding results. We will first examine your teeth and determine which method of teeth whitening will work best to achieve the results you desire. We are often able to lighten your teeth several shades during just one teeth whitening treatment at our office. We also offer take-home teeth whitening kits and toothpastes to help you keep up the fabulous results after your treatment at our office.

Whitening your teeth can take years off of your appearance and give you a rejuvenated appearance with one quick visit to our office. Contact us to learn more about teeth whitening and how it can help you achieve a dazzling smile.

Porcelain Veneers

Natural-looking porcelain veneers are an excellent choice for covering teeth that are chipped, discolored, or slightly misaligned. The veneer is a thin shell of porcelain that is custom-made to fit perfectly over the front of a tooth. Because the porcelain is translucent, it lets the color of the existing tooth shine through for a completely natural, beautiful appearance.
call uss and experience the confidence of a beautiful smile